WebinarJam Connection

Register records for webinars and store the join and replay links in custom fields so you can merge them into your emails. Contacts will be created and stored in your Marketing CRM.

Available for:

  • Drip
  • Keap
  • Ontraport
  • ActiveCampaign
  • HighLevel


Automate your webinar process
Connect WebinarJam with ActiveCampaign
Connect WebinarJam with Keap

How It Works

Select Your Webinar

Connect PlusThis with WebinarJam. You'll find your upcoming webinars listed in PlusThis. Select the webinar you want to sync.

Configure Your Settings

PlusThis has a number of settings you can configure for automating more parts of your webinar campaign. Store your join links, replay links and apply tags on successful registration.

Launch Your Webinar

PlusThis will tell you where to apply our tool in your campaign. You can then focus on running your webinar while PlusThis handles the heavy lifting behind the curtains.

How Can We Help You?

One of if not the best app on the Keap Marketplace. It's perfect for anyone who wants to work smarter and automate their email processes. It can help automate almost everything, ranging from sales funnels emails, pushing webinar registrants into your CRM, operational email notifications, other webform submissions straight to your CRM, email list cleanliness (for better deliverability) and more. Implement the tool effectively and the leverage + value you get from using PlusThis will more than pay for the cost of the subscription. We've saved a ton of time and money using it, thanks team!

- Brad Matthews

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